Program Magister Komputer

Information Technology Security

STMIK Eresha - This course describe about; programming mistakes that compromise security: man-in-the-middle, timing, and privilege escalation attacks, Web application threats and vulnerabilities, Networks of compromised systems: bots, botnets, and drones, Rootkits--including the notorious Sony XCP, Wi-Fi network security challenges, standards, and techniques, New malicious code attacks, including false interfaces and keystroke loggers, Improving code quality: software engineering, testing, and liability approaches, Biometric authentication: capabilities and limitations, Using the Advanced Encryption System (AES) more effectively, Balancing dissemination with piracy control in music and other digital content, Countering new cryptanalytic attacks against RSA, DES, and SHA, Responding to the emergence of organized attacker groups pursuing profit.


1. Ir. Mardi Hardjianto, M.Kom. (download materi)
2. Denny Ganjar Purnama,S.Si, MTI (download materi 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 )
3. I Gusti Njoman Mantra, M.Kom. ( 1; 2; 3; 4 )